4 thoughts on “I am a Facebook Sheep”

  1. Andy, Andy, Andy …. you are right in many things but having a break from Facebook is not the (only) solution. As for myself I’m very selective. Before I join a group I look into it thoroughly and even than it occasionally happens that I leave it after a period. There are people with numerous ‘friends’ who they don’t know. I get friend requests daily and the ones I don’t know I simply block. The few hundred FB-friends on my personal page are ones I know in person and ones I followed a certain period and exchanged personal messages with. My photography and garden pages can be followed by everyone and are sometimes a source for new ‘friends’ as are the few groups I follow/joined. >90% of Facebook is humbug and if I look to my own interests less than 1% is left. Many ‘gurus’ on Fb are very egocentric; they only like themselves and expect everybody to like his/her postings (but won’t or rarely like other people’s postings) and they have many ‘sheep’ that click ‘like’ and ‘share’. But to cut this story short (yes I also have many rantings etc.); If you use Facebook and other social media properly and be selective in your choices it’s a great tool in connecting with the world out there …

    H. 😉

    1. I agree “If you use Facebook and other social media properly and be selective in your choices it’s a great tool in connecting with the world out there …” – thanks my old WordPress friend

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