Cape Winelands

What to do with a few “low quality” Blackberry photos of my scenic work adventures around Western Cape during early 2011…

Well, don’t be shy and give it a try, as a very good friend of mine always said.

Maybe something will grab your attention and you will soon be booking a flight to South Africa,

It was an intense time: the work I had to do was in the spotlight at a top level and I was away from home nearly every week.

I would return home on weekends and usually fly out on a Monday morning at 06:00 (this is the flight where you fall asleep shortly after take-off and awake to find that you have been (embarrassingly) snoring and dribbling out of your mouth!

The propensity of change was high: one minute returning home, the next minute flying or driving to a completely different area.

Different beds, sometimes every night. New challenges all the time.

The “hardship” had a bonus flip-side.

I got to see many different and beautiful areas of my country, that I most likely would not have seen in this lifetime had I not been employed in the position I was.

I met many different and wonderful people, and somehow got back in touch with some very important things I had “forgotten” about myself.

This was all at someone else’s expenses (although I certainly earned my keep and more).

I managed to snap away with my Blackberry (no space or time for any other camera) every so often, and below are some of my photos (the panoramic photos are from a friend).

oude tol farm fire IMG00578-20110519-1446 IMG00587-20110519-1513 IMG00635-20110523-1151 IMG00668-20110601-1157 IMG00681-20110602-1720 travels CT (Large) IMG00650-20110525-1705 IMG00085-20110121-0841 IMG00648-20110525-1634 IMG00586-20110519-1509 IMG00579-20110519-1454 IMG00217-20110311-1012 IMG00208-20110310-1846 IMG00086-20110121-0841

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